"'Prove it. Show me why what you are claiming is true.'...You like data because they are value free. They have no agenda. Armed with these data, you search for patterns and connections...You peel the layers back until, gradually, the root cause or causes are revealed." - pg. 86 of Now, Discover your Strengths (Buckingham & Clifton)

Does this sound like you...?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Prove it!

My Analytical friend tells me this theme helps her evaluate purchasing decisions. She wants to know "why this stroller is $200 more than that one? What's so special about that one, this one has a seat and wheels and a cup-holder. Why won't it work?"

Friday, June 26, 2009

Looking for contributors to this site!

If you have Analytical as one of your themes we would love your input to this site. Please contact me at courtneybriggswrites@gmail.com, or post your comments here.